Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Some days are better than others.  It's no secret that in the last 9-10 months I've been dealt some crappy stuff.  I struggle more than I probably let on.  For as long as I can remember water has always been a calming force to me.  (ironic, since I lived in the desert for 3 years, right?!) In high school, I remember driving out to Deception Pass to clear my head.  Deception Pass quickly became "my spot".  A place I would visit when life began to overwhelm me, and I needed to regroup. 

It's not very convenient these days to travel all the way up to Deception Pass.  It's about 1 1/2 hours each way.  I'm always on the "hunt" for new beaches that will help me clear my head when things become overwhelming - as they often do.  Last week, I took the day after Deck the Hall Ball off.  I felt emotions piling up, and needed that escape.  So, I headed to the Edmonds Marina Beach.  It's a small little beach, tucked away by the marina.  It was exactly what I needed.  Last Wednesday was a clear, but freezing cold, windy day.  I walked along the beach for a bit.  Went back, and warmed up in my car.  Then walked the beach a little more. 

I know it may sound corny, but it helped.  Tremendously.  Life isn't easy sometimes.  It can be downright difficult.  Although I truly believe with every ounce of me that everything happens for a reason, I often wonder in the midst of it what that reason is.  In the hour or so I spent at the beach, I was reminded of the beauty that I often take for granted.  I'm reminded that I'm fortunate to call the Pacific Northwest home.  That although I may not know the reasons behind why things happened the way they did to bring me to where I am now, I know without a doubt that this is where I need to be. 

So, here's a few photos I snapped on my phone (I really do need to get a real camera again!). 

I'll definitely be returning there.  As well as making the trek up to my all-time favorite, Deception Pass.  Simply beautiful.

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