Monday, June 11, 2012

A Boo and a Yay!


I have been so incredibly sick since last Thursday.  Absolutely miserable.  So what was supposed to be a fun weekend including a happy hour, nephew's baseball game(s), a graduation party, and getting together with a friend I haven't seen in roughly 10 years, turned into a not-so-fun weekend.  I finally went to the Walk In Clinic yesterday.  I have an ear infection and strep throat.  To go along with my horrible head cold, and a pounding headache that will not go away.  Yay.  Nothing some good ol' Penicillin can't fix, thank goodness.  I'm starting to feel better in spurts.  I'll feel good for bit, and then I get knocked back on my butt.  Luckily I have time to recover before I START MY NEW JOB!!

Yup, there's the yay portion of this post! I got the job I interviewed for last week.  So excited to start working again!  I start on Monday. :)  I've started filling out the paperwork, and it's kind of a weird feeling to not list Hubs as my emergency contact.  It's the little things sometimes...  I'm looking forward to starting to work & get somewhat of a routine back though, that's for sure!

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy for you that you got the job you wanted! Keep your head high and everything will fall into place! XOXOXO
