Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 Goals

I wasn't planning on doing this... blogging about my 2012 goals, resolutions, hopes, changes... Whatever you want to call them. No matter the verbage, it is what it is. But then I thought, what better way to hold myself accountable than to have this to refer back to? So here I am, as January 2nd comes to an end, listing my goals for 2012.

  • Make healthier food choices, and adapt a healthier lifestyle  I know, it's cliche.  But, it's necessary.  It takes 21 days to form a habit.  We'll start with that...
  • Exercise.  Simple enough, right? 
  • I'd like to incorporate one new healthy recipe into our repitoire twice a month.  Since Hubs is pretty much the pickiest eater I've ever met, this one may be more of a challenge.
  • Be debt free by November 2012
  • Begin an aggressive savings plan
  • Continue (I should probably say re-start) our family blog to keep friends and family updated on our lives.
  • Make keeping in touch with my friends & family a priority.  I'm terrible at this, and it really is something I need to change.  I want to call a friend or family member at least once a week.  Call them.  Not text, not Facebook, not email.  Actually call.
  • Purge.  I kind of pride myself on not being one that likes "stuff".  However, at this time, my closets don't exactly reflect that.  I need a good purge, and reorganization
  • Keep up on cleaning & laundry all throughout the week.  Not just on the weekends.  I hope to spend 15-20 minutes each day cleaning.  And I hope to avoid the hours that I usually spend on the weekend catching up on it.
  • Find a hobby.  I'd like to learn to knit.  Or crochet.  I hope to find & take a class to learn how to do that.
  • Have regular date nights with the Hubs.  After all, that's one of the bonuses for our decision to not have children.  We need to take advantage of that!
  • Read 45 books in 2012.  I love to read.  Last year, according to my Nook Library, I read 32 books on my Nook, and an additional 5 regular books.  That's a total of 37 for the year.  So really, 45 isn't that much more!
 So there ya have it... My goals/wishes/hopes/resolutions for 2012.  Here's to a new year & new beginnings!

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